871 512 446 - 640 728 808 info@psicologiainfantilmallorca.com
Psicología Infanto-Juvenil Mallorca - 6 Costa de les Germanetes Street, 2th floor B 07010 Palma
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Dyslexia in children

Dyslexia in children

What is dyslexia in children? The term "dyslexia" covers any difficulty in acquiring reading and writing skills, manifesting as difficulty in learning to read, regardless of educational, sociocultural factors or skills in other areas. Considered a neurobiological disorder, dyslexia affects individuals from school age to adulthood. Its classification as a reading disorder is based on

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Children’s tantrums, how to manage them?

Children´s tantrums

What are tantrums from the perspective of psychology? Childhood tantrums are intense emotional expressions that arise when a child is facing a frustrating situation or when their wants and needs are not met. These outbursts of anger, common in children between the ages of 1 and 4, can include crying, screaming, kicking, and in some

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How to face a Psychological Diagnosis in a child

How to face psychological diagnosis in a child

First of all… the importance of diagnosis Have you ever felt that your child's emotional well-being has worsened? What's happening to you that you don't know what it is? What feels more depressed, anxious, impulsive, sensible... and you can't find the reason, or the strategies to change it? Have you felt that your child has

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Consequences of divorce on children

Divorce is a pervasive reality in society today, affecting many families around the world. As social, economic, and cultural dynamics evolve, so do perceptions and experiences around divorce. Today, we face a landscape where divorce has become a more common and accepted phenomenon, but no less challenging for those involved. Divorce is an event that

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Exam anxiety

Exam anxiety

"I wake up in the morning and the first thing that comes to my mind is next week's exam. I start to get nervous and my stomach knots. I'm sure I haven't prepared enough and I'll fail... I'll go blank, I'll crash. I have to start studying, but it's like a mountain for me. My

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Social phobia in adolescents and children

Social phobia in adolescents and children

What is social phobia in adolescents and children? Social anxiety disorder or social phobia is a common anxiety disorder that usually has its onset between 8 and 15 years. It can be defined as an intense and persistent fear of situations in which other people may be analyzing, evaluating or judging them. As a consequence,

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The danger of labeling children

Labeling children

What is the danger of labeling children? People have the tendency to label the world around us because it is useful for us to order reality and thus be able to prevent situations and respond more quickly to them. This trend extends to children. We often label children according to their behavior, for example: "you

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Children must learn to get bored

Psicología General Sanitaria Infantil Psicología Educativa Duelos y pérdidas Problemas de Adaptación Trastornos del Desarrollo Conducta Alimentaria Terapia ONLINE Inglés en Palma Mallorca

The course begins and apart from preparing all the school material, it is also time to think and plan what extracurricular activities we want our children to do. The choice of the number of activities is conditioned by the working day of the parents, but also by the belief that "doing nothing" is socially very

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Psicología General Sanitaria Infantil Psicología Educativa Duelos y pérdidas Problemas de Adaptación Trastornos del Desarrollo Conducta Alimentaria Terapia ONLINE Inglés en Palma Mallorca

When we talk about depression, we usually imagine an adult person with a series of symptoms, such as: sadness, loss of the ability to enjoy activities, recurrent crying ... However, depression is a very common mood disorder in children and adolescents. Despite its prevalence, it often goes unnoticed or is underestimated due to the lack

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Many parents have felt frustrated when their child did not listen to them, and he or she did not behave well. In these situations, the million-dollar question arises: "What should I do when my child misbehaves? It is true that children do not come with an instruction manual and many times we need guidance to

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Adolescent suicide: what can we do to prevent it?

The death of an adolescent by suicide is a tragedy that produces devastating consequences for its family, friends and the community. In these cases, those most closely related with the teenager may wonder if they could have done anything to prevent it. Although it is not always avoidable, a better understanding of the factors that

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“Los que aprendieron a conocer la muerte en lugar de temerla y luchar contra ella, se convirtieron en nuestros maestros acerca de la vida” (Kübler-Ross, 1983). ¿QUÉ ES EL DUELO? El duelo es un proceso sano de adaptación que experimentamos ante la pérdida de un ser querido. Sus características son las siguientes ... (more…)

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