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Dyslexia in children

Dyslexia in children

What is dyslexia in children? The term "dyslexia" covers any difficulty in acquiring reading and writing skills, manifesting as difficulty in learning to read, regardless of educational, sociocultural factors or skills in other areas. Considered a neurobiological disorder, dyslexia affects individuals from school age to adulthood. Its classification as a reading disorder is based on

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Children’s tantrums, how to manage them?

Children´s tantrums

What are tantrums from the perspective of psychology? Childhood tantrums are intense emotional expressions that arise when a child is facing a frustrating situation or when their wants and needs are not met. These outbursts of anger, common in children between the ages of 1 and 4, can include crying, screaming, kicking, and in some

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Children with high abilities

Children with high abilities

What are high abilities? High abilities in children refer to a set of exceptional skills and talents in one or more areas of intellectual, creative, or artistic development. These children can be classified into three main categories: gifted, talented, and precocious, each with distinctive characteristics. Gifted: they have significantly higher performance in multiple areas, including

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How to face a Psychological Diagnosis in a child

How to face psychological diagnosis in a child

First of all… the importance of diagnosis Have you ever felt that your child's emotional well-being has worsened? What's happening to you that you don't know what it is? What feels more depressed, anxious, impulsive, sensible... and you can't find the reason, or the strategies to change it? Have you felt that your child has

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Fights between younger siblings

Fights between younger siblings

"You always sit next to mom! It's my turn!" "It's not true, you sat with her yesterday." "That's not fair! You always want to be the first!" "It's my toy, you can't play with it!" "But I want to play too!" "No, leave it!" Fights between younger siblings are a common and natural part of

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Consequences of divorce on children

Divorce is a pervasive reality in society today, affecting many families around the world. As social, economic, and cultural dynamics evolve, so do perceptions and experiences around divorce. Today, we face a landscape where divorce has become a more common and accepted phenomenon, but no less challenging for those involved. Divorce is an event that

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Oppositional defiant disorder

Oppositional defiant disorder

What is oppositional defiant disorder? Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is a behavioral disorder that primarily affects children and adolescents. It is characterized by a persistent pattern of defiant, hostile, and disobedient behavior toward authority figures, such as parents, teachers, or other authority figures. This behavior goes beyond the typical rebellious behaviors seen in childhood and

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Types of Infant Attachment

Types of infant attachment

What is infant attachment? Attachment is an affective bond that is established from the first moments of life between the mother and the newborn or the person in charge of her care. Its function is to ensure care, psychological development and personality formation. The establishment of infant attachment is mainly related to two systems: the

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Overprotection of parents towards their children

Overprotection of parents towards their children

What is parental overprotection of children? Overprotection is characterized by a parenting style in which parents or primary caregivers excessively attend to their children's needs and try to solve their problems even before they ask for help, usually with the intention of preventing them from suffering. It is natural and adaptive to want to provide

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Videogames in Childhood and Adolescence

Videogames in Childhood and Adolescence

Beneficial or Harmful? Videogames have become a ubiquitous form of entertainment for children and adolescents, raising concerns about their potential impact on cognitive, social, and emotional development. While some argue that they can have significant benefits for a person's cognitive and social skill development, others express concern about possible detrimental effects, such as addiction or

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Sibling jealousy

Sibling jealousy

Symptoms of sibling jealousy Jealousy is a natural emotional response and involves a mixture of emotions that affects the whole family. It usually occurs because one of the children feels displaced in relation to the other(s). We all like to receive attention from others, in fact, it is a very important source of reinforcement and

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The danger of labeling children

Labeling children

What is the danger of labeling children? People have the tendency to label the world around us because it is useful for us to order reality and thus be able to prevent situations and respond more quickly to them. This trend extends to children. We often label children according to their behavior, for example: "you

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Responsibilities for children at home depending on age

Responsibilities for children

Incorporating responsibilities for children into family dynamics at home is essential to teach them the importance of being part of a team and helping. It also favors the development of motor skills, the creation of habits and organizational skills. In the same way, it promotes their security and self-esteem since they feel capable of achieving

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Punishment and its impact on children and parents

Punishment and its impact on children and parents

What is punishment? Punishment has been widely used to modify children's behaviour throughout history. Its use reduces the possibility that the child will repeat the inappropriate behaviour. There are different types of punishment based on removing a stimulus that is pleasant for the child (for example, not letting him/her watch television for a while) or

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Dethroned Prince Syndrome

What is Dethroned Prince Syndrome? In most children the arrival of a new sibling can generate jealousy, frustration, envy and anger as they go from receiving all the attention from their parents to having to divide it. This feeling of jealousy towards the new brother is known as the Dethroned Prince Syndrome. How does the

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Many parents have felt frustrated when their child did not listen to them, and he or she did not behave well. In these situations, the million-dollar question arises: "What should I do when my child misbehaves? It is true that children do not come with an instruction manual and many times we need guidance to

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