871 512 446 - 640 728 808 info@psicologiainfantilmallorca.com
Psicología Infanto-Juvenil Mallorca - 6 Costa de les Germanetes Street, 2th floor B 07010 Palma
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About us

Psicología Infanto-Juvenil Mallorca is the department of psychological care for children and adolescents belonging to the Instituto Psicología Infanto-Juvenil Mallorca. This department was created to respond to the needs of this population and build their psychological well-being from the earliest stages.

At Psicología Infanto-Juvenil Mallorca we know that the family is the basic system on which we build our identity and our psychological health, and we want to be able to help you to overcome any difficulties that may exist. For this reason, we offer qualification and experience in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of a wide variety of psychological problems or disorders in children and adolescents. Our professionals are continuously training, and they are updated with the latest therapeutic innovations in this area. We work every day to guarantee a specialized attention, based on those treatments that have demonstrated their effectiveness.

Welcome to Psicología Infanto-Juvenil Mallorca… we want to take care of you and the people you care about the most.

Why choose Psicología Infanto-Juvenil Mallorca?

In addition to the above, at Psicología Infanto-Juvenil Mallorca we want to provide the population with a specialized service on the topics in which we work and that you can find at How can we help you? .

We are specifically focused on psychological problems, learning difficulties and behavioural problems. We have decided to specialize on these topics so we can offer the best service. In this way, families who come to the centre have this guarantee of quality and commitment.

Aina Fiol Veny

General Health Psychologist Collegiate Nº B-02615

Mónica Arca Pérez

General Health Psychologist Collegiate Nº B-02760

Arancha Lorente Galiano

General Health Psychologist Collegiate. Nº B-03674

Quico Martínez Mila

General Health Psychologist Collegiate No B-03457

Marina Romero Jordán

General Health Psychologist Collegiate Nº B-03794