871 512 446 - 640 728 808 info@psicologiainfantilmallorca.com
Psicología Infanto-Juvenil Mallorca - 6 Costa de les Germanetes Street, 2th floor B 07010 Palma
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Our Publications

12 Dec
Childhood nocturnal enuresis

Nocturnal enuresis, also known as urinary incontinence, is a more common issue than we might think. While it is not

05 Nov
Childhood encopresis: Causes and psychological treatment

What is childhood encopresis? Encopresis is the repeated expulsion of feces in inappropriate places, such as clothing or the floor,

02 Oct
Dyslexia in children

What is dyslexia in children? The term "dyslexia" covers any difficulty in acquiring reading and writing skills, manifesting as difficulty