871 512 446 - 640 728 808 info@psicologiainfantilmallorca.com
Psicología Infanto-Juvenil Mallorca - 6 Costa de les Germanetes Street, 2th floor B 07010 Palma
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Our Publications

09 Jan
My Teenage Child Insults and Hits Me

This is a complicated moment: you’re facing a situation you never thought you’d experience. That child who once sought your

12 Dec
Childhood nocturnal enuresis

Nocturnal enuresis, also known as urinary incontinence, is a more common issue than we might think. While it is not

05 Nov
Childhood encopresis: Causes and psychological treatment

What is childhood encopresis? Encopresis is the repeated expulsion of feces in inappropriate places, such as clothing or the floor,