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Marina Romero Jordán

General Health Psychologist
Collegiate No B-03794

I couldn’t say precisely when in my life I became aware of the deep empathy and connection I feel with people; I was probably too young to remember the moment I became conscious of it. What I do remember is when I started to feel an irrepressible curiosity about the human mind, combined with a clear vocation to contribute something that would improve the lives of others. This connection led me to study Psychology, with the desire to understand how the mind is capable of overcoming the multiple challenges we face daily. Throughout my training, I have discovered that through knowledge and the appropriate intervention, people can develop their maximum potential and improve their emotional well-being, something that has always deeply motivated me.

After completing my bachelor’s degree in psychology and my master’s degree in general health psychology, I have had the opportunity to expand my experience in different clinical settings. During my internship at the Balearic Association of Multiple Sclerosis, I was able to observe firsthand both the emotional impact that chronic illnesses have on people’s lives, and almost equally important, I would say, the impact that emotions have on these illnesses. This experience taught me how fundamental psychological therapy is in managing these pathologies.
On the other hand, in my experience at Projecte Home Balears, I had the opportunity to delve into the field of addictions, an area where psychological intervention is key for emotional and behavioral restructuring. Psychological treatment is essential for helping individuals rebuild their lives and relationships, providing them with effective tools to face their recovery process. This learning has allowed me to understand the importance of a comprehensive approach to addiction treatment, where psychology plays a crucial role.
Throughout my career, I have specialized in offering person-centered therapy, based on scientific evidence and tailored to the needs of each individual. My commitment to continuous learning allows me to stay updated and offer the best therapeutic tools to improve the quality of life of those who trust me.
In my role at Child and Adolescent Psychology Mallorca, my goal is to provide young children and adolescents with a safe and professional space where we can identify and work together on emotional difficulties. Through personalized interventions, supported by research, I will help them overcome the challenges that may be affecting their lives.
If you wish to embark on a journey toward emotional well-being, I invite you to join this process. Together we will explore the difficulties and promote personal development in an environment where active listening and validation of experiences are fundamental, thereby facilitating a process of significant transformation and growth.


Relevant Academic Training:

Bachelor’s degree in psychology
European University Miguel de Cervantes

Master’s degree in general health psychology
International University of Valencia


Work Experience with Different Groups:

Adults, adolescents, and children with issues typical of General Health Psychology: (anxiety, depression, difficulties in social skills, self-esteem, eating disorders, etc.).

People with chronic illnesses.

People with addiction problems.


Notable Complementary Training:

Course on Intervention with Victims of Gender Violence (Palma, 2022).

Course on Third Generation Therapies (Palma, 2023).

Course on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (Palma, 2024).

Course on Psychosocial Intervention in Addictions (Palma, 2024).


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