871 512 446 - 640 728 808 info@psicologiainfantilmallorca.com
Psicología Infanto-Juvenil Mallorca - 6 Costa de les Germanetes Street, 2th floor B 07010 Palma
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General Child Health Psychology

Childhood and adolescence are critical stages that later influence adult life. Successfully overcoming the different problems that arise in these stages will be key to a healthy and adaptive development.

General child and adolescent health psychology is responsible for the psychological health of children and adolescents and providing them with tools to have psychological and emotional well-being. It covers the evaluation, diagnosis and possible psychological treatment, carried out by trained and qualified general health psychologists. From cognitive-behavioral therapy, which has been scientifically endorsed demonstrating its results, we work with a comprehensive approach to the child or adolescent, modifying their thoughts, emotions and behaviors.

These are some of the topics in which we can help you:

  • Anxiety problems
  • Fears and phobias
  • Low mood and depression
  • Insecurity
  • Addiction problems
  • Hypochondria
  • Sleep problems
  • Post-traumatic stress
  • Low self-esteem
  • Emotional dependence
  • Constant worries Impulsivity or problems with impulse control
  • Problems with body image
  • Difficulties in social relations
  • Elimination Disorders (enuresis, encopresis…)

These are some of the most frequent consultations in this area. However, there are many aspects that may take us to seek help. If the reason for your query is not found here but you think we can help you, you can contact us directly and make your consultation, so that we can tell you more accurately if we can help you or where you can go.