871 512 446 - 640 728 808 info@psicologiainfantilmallorca.com
Psicología Infanto-Juvenil Mallorca - 6 Costa de les Germanetes Street, 2th floor B 07010 Palma
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Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Neurodevelopmental disorders are characterized by alterations, dysfunctions, or difficulties in intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior. They consist of a set of cognitive and behavioral difficulties that originate from improper brain development during maturation, with manifestations that may appear in early childhood or throughout the developmental process. These disorders can affect the acquisition, retention, or application of specific skills or sets of information. As a result, they lead to alterations in attention, perception, memory, language, problem-solving, or social interaction. Consequently, children’s activities are limited or affected compared to other children of the same age and conditions.

The neurodevelopmental disorders we work with are:

  • Intellectual Development Disorder
  • Communication Disorder (language disorder, phonological disorder, fluency disorder…)
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Learning Disorder (difficulties in reading and writing, mathematics…)
  • Motor Skills Disorder (developmental coordination disorder, stereotyped movement disorder…)

These are some of the most common consultations in this area. However, there are many aspects that may lead us to seek help. If your reason for consultation is not listed here, but you think we can assist you, please contact us directly and make your inquiry, so we can tell you more accurately if we can help you or where you might go for assistance.